Determining the ring capacity (ring size) for your three ring binder can easily be one of the most important decisions you will make during the course of your binder project.
If you choose a ring size that is too small, you can end up being stuck with the task of removing sections of important content just to make the binder operational. If you choose a binder size that is too large, you run the risk of the binder looking empty and having the consumer get the impression that you don’t have a lot to say about your product. Selecting

the perfect ring size is possible using these guidelines. Consider that paper thicknesses vary by brand and style of sheet. If you have a micrometer you can measure one sheet’s thickness and then multiply by the number of sheets per binder. While this is a very technical way to tackle the problem, the micrometer doesn’t account for the air in between sheets of paper and the need to have room for movement and turning of the pages. Ideally, get the exact brand of paper you will use, run it through a copy machine once and then three hole punch and insert the sheets onto the rings to confirm it is a good fit. Keep in mind whether your manual will need room to grow or if your client will be adding their own content to the binder. This pass through the copy machine will separate the sheets causing them to lay as they will in your final project. The GUIDE shown above can be used as a reference, but keep in mind that paper thicknesses vary and this chart only accounts for 20lb bond paper.
If you would like to read more about the subject, check out this article. DO YOU NEED PERSONALIZED HELP? Sales representatives are available to help you 8am-5pm EST, Monday-Friday so give us a call at 1-800-962-1807 or email