You only have one chance to make a good first impression. Custom presentation binders are the perfect way to help you stand out from the crowd.
In order to ensure that your presentation achieves your desired result, you often need more than just a flood of information. Having this information presented in an appealing and attractive wrapping goes a long way.
Below are four ways to help your presentation work for you visually, along with two reasons why putting forth the effort is worth it at all.
4 ways to ensure your presentation packs a punch
1. Use high quality images
In today’s visually driven society, making a good first impression is imperative. Proving visually stimulating presentation materials is the best way to accomplish this. Visually rich binders are a great way to cast your company in the best light. Binders are a great venue for visual marketing because they can be fully customized to your company’s exact specifications and all of your client’s needs by using high quality, full color images.
To make the most out of using full color photographs, screen printing (including the 4-color printing process), which was developed to ensure that color photos and graphics are accurately represented, is typically utilized.
In order for 4-color printing to work best for you, it is important to include ample visuals on your presentation binders—otherwise you’re not getting your money’s worth. Visuals could include product photos, logos, charts, graphs, or a bold design that provides a representation of what your brand entails.
Bonus tip: The images you choose should (and will) provide a commentary about your brand and often invoke responses (sometimes emotional) from your clients. While not absolutely necessary, hiring a graphic designer or professional photographer can go a long way towards producing these high quality images and graphics. Furthermore, using professional images can leave a better impression than clip art or stock images.
2. Foil stamping and/or embossing
To provide additional design elements that make your binder stand out, consider adding embossed or foil stamped components to your binder. By embossing, you’ll add a textile feature to your binder that your clients can actually feel. For instance, foil stamping can be used to provide a metallic effect, which increases the visibility of your presentation materials.
Some professional presentation binders also make use of embossing and foil stamping to call out certain parts of the page, which is particularly useful for drawing special attention to desired elements.
3. The benefit of simplicity
Although it may be tempting to load your binder with a ton of visuals and embossed/stamped elements, it’s also important to remember that the simplest designs often have the biggest impact. In order for a simple design to have such power, it is important to use high quality visuals and proper use of negative space. Doing so will show your clients that your company has a strong, clear focus and, when well designed and developed, can help your material stand out from others.
Bonus tip: Consider incorporating a concise slogan or tag line with your logo, rather than a long-winded mission statement.
4. Accessories can help
Last but not least, just like the right purse or tie can make an outfit, adding that extra little accessory to your presentation binder can work to win over your clients in a big way. Such accessories include colored index tabs, pockets for storing documents, business card holders and more. Paying attention to the details show prospective clients and customers that you mean business about doing business with them.
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Does your presentation need some pizzazz?
If the information above hasn’t convinced you of the importance of creating a binder that pops, here are two reasons why you should care about creating presentation binders with pizzazz:
Presentation flow
Let’s face it, a presentation with no flow and no life is boring to sit through. A custom binder can help keep your information organized and provide a visually stimulating package to hold it all in. Simply having something nice to look at can go a long way in helping make your presentation more interesting. Additionally, binders provide a hands-on, physical link between the presentation information and the client, allowing for better absorption of information.
Making memories
Pairing a custom designed binder with a well-delivered presentation can work to provide a memorable link between the information and client. Rich visual aids are valuable for helping clients retain information. Bringing creative physical elements into a presentation can help your clients retain the important information you’re providing.
If you’re interested in providing your clients with a positive first impression, or at least provide enough of a visual jog that they can’t help but remember the information you’re providing, then binders are the perfect venue for information transference. In short, having a professional binder that pops can be the ultimate deciding factor in whether your presentation is a success or failure.
At Binders Inc., we have every type of binder you need to make your presentation pop. If you aren’t sure which one to choose or how to get started, contact our friendly sales representative at 1-800-962-1807. We’re happy to help!